Welcome to the Penny Royal Almshouses
We provide convenient and comfortable housing for people of advanced age, of limited financial means, in a setting which allows residents to live as independently as possible. Residents have the advantages of a supportive, social community, along with the enjoyment and privacy of their own accommodation.
The Penny Royal cottages date back to 1797. The two centre properties were originally a schoolhouse flanked by a pair of cottages on each side and adjoining land was retained as allotments for the tenants. These cottages were enlarged and repaired in 1813.
In 1976 seven new properties were built and in 1991 the six old cottages were substantially renovated. Extensions with new kitchens and bathrooms were added and internal walls removed to make larger rooms. The original façade was retained.
The Almshouses
The Almshouses are unfurnished and designed with the needs of older people in mind. They are single storey and self-contained.
They have the following features:
Small hallway
Living/dining area
Modern kitchen
Shower room
Double bedroom
Gas central heating
Double glazed windows
Large storage cupboard
24-hour emergency alarm service
Some houses have a small garden or paved patio area, but all have access to the shared communal gardens.
Our Mission, Policies & Vacancies
Find out more about our mission, policies & criteria for habitation, & any current vacancies
For more details about Old Windsor United Charities, please go to the Charity Commission website.